Any Renoisers Doing 50/90?

July 4 to October 1, 2009

Have you written 50 songs in 90 days? What are you waiting for… inspiration?

“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” — Jack London

This is the club. Each summer, 50/90 forges a collaborative community where musicians of all walks and skill levels write a slew of new music material in only three months. That’s roughly one tune every other day. Participants are a mix of music professionals, students, homemakers, and folks who work day-jobs but rock nightclubs.

Man… these days it takes me three weeks to make a 2 minute track…!
One track every other day? Maybe if I was unemployed or still in school…

Good luck to muchos fun to whoever is participating! I envy thee for thy free time and enormous amounts of inspiration!

I have just signed up! :slight_smile: