I would like to be able to get the instrument number returned from a pattern iteration. Is this possible as the iterators currently only seem to return note strings or fx column strings?
Trying to get the 02
I would like to be able to get the instrument number returned from a pattern iteration. Is this possible as the iterators currently only seem to return note strings or fx column strings?
Trying to get the 02
Could this be helpful?:
for pos,line in pattern_iter:lines_in_pattern_track(pattern_index, track_index) do
if not table.is_empty(line.note_columns) then
local note_column = line.note_columns[1]
local note = note_column.note_string
local instrument_number = note_column.instrument_value
local volume = note_column.volume_value
print ("note:"..note.." Instrument:"..instrument_number.." velocity:"..volume)
Yes thanks vV! Thats got me in the right direction.