Any way to unlink Audio Outputs for plugins? (or Mono Multi Outs)

Hey, everyone!

I normally use Cardinal VSTi with 8 mono outputs set to different tracks in Reaper.

I’m trying to do the same in Renoise but I only get summed stereo outputs (1+2, 3+4, …), even though the plugin does support 8 outputs instead of only 4 stereo ones.

Is there a way to split these outputs? I work mostly in mono in Cardinal (since it emulates Euro Rack), so stereo is kind of a waste for me.

Thanks in advance!


So you want to output each of the VSTi/VST3i Cardinal Synths assigned to each track as mono?
It seems to me that you cannot treat the track outputs as pure mono.
I am not sure, but if you want to do so, for example to avoid sound alteration by left and right channels in different phases, it would be better to set the input side of REAPER etc. to mono and monitor from there.
The processing power issue doesn’t seem to happen that often with modern computers, does it? Are you actually having trouble?

Exactly, this is what it looks like in Reaper:

I can get each of the outputs as separate tracks.

I haven’t found a way to replicate this behavior in Renoise.

I see. So, for example, you want each of these to be a separate mono track with volume and panning controls and individual FX.
From a quick glance, that certainly does not appear to be possible in its current state.
One possible workaround would be to use Cardinal on the REAPER side and only send MIDI from Renoise.

i really want this stuff (plugin output routings) to be added to api, btw.

Not behind renoise right now but is it possible to send the stereo track to multiple send tracks and adjust the panning accordingly for the signal to be split?

Or perhaps only use 1 sendtrack, for example; pan this to the right in the send channel, then use the ‘keep source’ on the original track and pan this to the left. Perhaps add a gainer device afterwards to put the signal in another panning position so you’re not stuck with hard panned channels?

Hmmm this makes sense. I’m going to try it and post back the results. Not optimal but I don’t see any alternatives at this point. I’d have to save it as a template to make things easier.