Anyone from Finland?


I moved to Helsinki recently and finally started making music again.
Now I got a little problem: the only music store I knew that sold sampling CDs closed! :o :(

So if anybody knows a place in Helsinki, where I can buy Samples, PLEASE TELL ME!!! :unsure:

Thanks a lot!


I’m from Finland :) You just moved to Helsinki? From where? I’m just wondering if you speak finnish too LOL :D

I don’t know the place where from you can buy samples there but I can recommend Maz at I’ve bought all the sample CD:s he’s maded and also Data-Becker’s 12000 sounds bundles 1 & 2 from him. With the price of the bundles you can’t find that kind of quality nowhere else :slight_smile:

check this out:

i have lots of sample cd’s, akais, gigas, cdda etc. pm

Sorry, I don’t know any shop where to buy samples, I think internet is the best place though :)

I’m from Finland and nice to see that there are others too :D

Alright, kiitos! :yeah:

Oh, and: yeah I speak some Finnish, but… I still prefer English! :P

Heippa…err, bye