Anyone Here On Twitter?

I’m “TheZimm”. Anyone else here on twitter? add me :D

There’s a new “open source” twitter known as identica, made by a guy I met a couple of times, check it:

I’m not a proselytizer of micro-blogging by any means, but open source social networking is interesting. This one is me:

iiiiinteresting. i’ll check that out.

I don’t see the point. Perhaps if I had a compact wireless device I would?

you know, i dont really see the point either. thats why i signed up. to see why it was supposedly so cool. Thus, i need friends on twitter to really get the full effect ;)

I think that Twitter is like … kind of … exhibitionism. I don’t see the point of telling the world if you are arriving home or cooking meatballs. Because everybody ends up writting things like that. :D

I stopped regularly updating my facebook status ages ago… nobody checks that shit anyway… except unwanted stalkers. If I want people to show up where I’m going, I’ll simply MSN them with “hey dude, I’m gonna be at chucky cheese in an hour… meet me there!”

I also deleted my Facebook profile, I found it useless.

oh I never said I deleted it… I still find facebook horribly useful… my friends set up events like birthdays and parties on it, which completely simplifies planning gatherings… I’ve been to 1000% more geek parties since I joined facebook. Quite simply, it kicks ass.

Lucky you then! Not my case. I only found boring people there (even some friends) with stupid chain messages and games (“a vampire has bitten you” and similar stuff).

hahah! what if people really said what they were honestly “really doing”.

in probably even more places than america, it would be:
i’m totally gweeked out on redbull n now i’m gonna cheat on ma gf with this thing BOOM!


i resemble that remark!

pop culture has been pretty adament about promoting twitter, it’s curious the way they do it to. they basically promote it by telling you you probably don’t know what it is. &. basically they did the same thing with facebook and before that myspace. not so much though with myspace as it was geared towards young people and artists.

from what i get from it is they do this in a way 'to make you feel “left out”, so you will register.

pop culture is also adament using this same procedure with “texting”. they have been on that one for a while.

this is how they did windows xp too, it was a blend, being similar but not as prevailent in apple’s ipod and macbooks. with these 2 products they equated a coolness with the product.

so yeh, many generations have used these procedures:

You don’t know who Jesus is?

similar practice with those who believe believers are deluded.

thought pattern manipulation.


don’t know WHY I twitter though.

got tired of bragging/fantasizing, so my twitter account is kinda unused.

-> Signature ;)

Sunjammer… Obviously :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: