This is getting really annoying… I just keep hitting the windows key and the function buttons all the time.
Any other old trackerer got a cure for the windows key bug?
This is getting really annoying… I just keep hitting the windows key and the function buttons all the time.
Any other old trackerer got a cure for the windows key bug?
Sorry to sound like an asshole here, but is it really so difficult to use Google?
I’m with the asshole on this one.
All you need is a kitchen knife.
yeah… actually I did use google.
Seems like your keywords are better than mine.
[quote="#<0x0000562852c2de88>, post:5, topic:19219"]
Seems like your keywords are better than mine.
I simply used “disable windows key”, which you even used in your own topic
Anyway, no hard feelings.</0x0000562852c2de88>