I am quite happy with my Tannoy Reveal 6a. Chose them after a very long comparison with other monitors (KRK, Yamaha, Tascam, etc.) in several music stores.
Rokit 8’s, love um
I got the Rokit 5’s G2 (so without the auto-power, which I also read it can be pretty annoying). With balanced cables I don’t hear any noise from them. They are ok for my room size. My room is 3,50 x 4,50, with a bed, a sofa, a chair, a sleeping dog, a carpet, and two book shelves.
But honestly I wish I had saved my money for a little bit longer and then went for 8’‘. I think the low end is just not enough in 5’’ (same with the 5’’ Yamahas a friend owns), and a lot of times I catch myself using the good old HiFi speakers, because I can hear the bass so much better with them…
I’m constantly thinking about getting better bass, but can’t make up my mind between an additional subwoofer or 8’’ speakers (not Rokits b/c of that auto-power). And even in the rare moments when I think I finally made up my mind, I’m afraid I won’t be able to really use the planned configuration because of the neighbours. Argh! That’s how I ended up with new headphones a while ago. (And still there’s the wish for better speakers nagging in the back of my mind…)
Sux you can’t get the rokit sub, things a beast!
I am on Yamaha HS-80M – its cheap and good with sound for regulary flat i live in
Apparently I’ve become a krk fanboy. I’m rockin a pair of first gen Rokit 8’s and 12sho for djing and a pair of third gen Rokit 5’s with first gen rp10s on my production rig. Been about 8 years in the making, I just received the 12sho last week. Much stokedness
Adam F7. For the price Adams(A7 or F7) are pretty solid. Before that I used KRK and Yamaha at home and Mackie at work. I also have an absurd amount of GIK 242 (7) and 244(6) panels and the tri-traps(8), inherited from a studio I used to manage. I actually like how Adams can get porty with kicks and air movement. It makes low end kicks much more noticeable and therefore you’ll turn it down. Almost every song is better with the kick cut a few dB IMO. House is better with a quieter kick, dnb is better with a quieter kick, rock is better with a quieter kick, jazz is better with a quieter kick, phil collins is not better with a quieter kick. Hip Hop is generally good with the kick levels. General electronica can go either way.
I’m working with the JBL Control One, which can barely be considered as real monitors, but
I btw think buying monitors is very fun and tempting. I can actively enjoy a new and freshly bought setup for months or even years until it ultimately loses itsspectacularity and appeal.
this is - in a way - true for me. Even till I really got the right positioning for them it kinda was a journey in terms of learning how these sound.
After that solely listening to music was a thing I could do for hours…and these are 100€ speakers you see in almost every bar.
So yea get monitors, position them right, be amaaaaaazed
I’ve been using a pair of KRK KNS-8400’s for nearly 5 years! there not the best in the world for mixing but for obvious reasons i always try and refrain from mixing on headphones.