I was hearing an Armand Van Helden tune yesterday being broadcasted, but I didn’t catch the name of the tune. It was pretty much house & breaks with a real mean filtered and chorused reece bass on it.
Anyone know this one?
hope the fact that you didn’t mention vocals doesn’t imply that there weren’t any, if so just ignore the following:
not the one I was looking for, but both of those tunes are Top!
Thanks Keith!
Might be a puzzle to track this one down. It had a newer style reece on it, real mean sounding, the whole tune was pretty mean sounding like hard DNB.
It did have some vox that I couldn’t really hear, it sounded repeated, and almost hidden.
It also had the upfront 4 to the floor with some breaks, it was probably close to 140 bpm.
Funk Phenomena was one of his classics. that had a pretty phat DNB like bass.
I dig that one boatclub, thanks!
I just found it, it was a mirror’s edge still alive remix he did:
Turns out it wasn’t a reece at all. (unless there is a remix of this remix)
I’m thinking the way it was being broadcasted added a bunch of distortion and made it sound real dark and heavy like a newer reece. I even already have this tune on disc, it’s strange I forgot about it.
I’ve heard some but never really explored so much of Armand Van Helden’s tunes.
I am certainly open to recommendations for listening.
I forgot all about this dude, he was the Ali G lookalike, no? Wonder how much he had to pay redman for that funk phenomenon sample.