Automation - Recording In High Resolution

If you say so… :D
But i still think that this is everyday task for a lot of musicians…
Advanced edit content-masking applying to the pattern matrix is a good idea though too, but it still can’t do nothing with copying automation from parameter A to parameter B…
I even wonder why you haven’t made this ability befoire :ph34r:

That’s very easy to declare, because automations represent parameter values and since there is no way to translate dB to panning values for instance there is a risc your plugin might crash because it has to cope with a value in a range it might not support the value.
And that is the reason why you cannot copy automation from parameter X to parameter Y.
You may have 5 gallons of petrol, but you don’t pour that in a car that runs on gasoline either, even though both are fluids and both type of cars have an engine that runs on fuel and drive on four wheels, that doesn’t make everything else identical.

Damn…Sounds bad enough
Than what about kazakore’s idea of drawing (and using different commands) on multiple patterns?

Really? I thought Automation was always a value between 0 - 1 internally. Sure it displays real value for native DSPs but I thought it probably converted on the fly. For all third party plugs it’s got to be the 0 - 1 range though hasn’t it?

That depends, if the envelope point positions indeed are based upon the 0-1 value, it might be no problem, but if they are based on the translated scale, this has to be changed first then.

As a test, opened new song, added a EQ10, put in a couple of automation points, min, 0dB, max and copied to clipboard.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 0,0.0 5120,0.5 9728,0.5 16383,1.0 16384

As you can see 0 -1 values, although showed and editable as -20dB - +20dB within Renoise.

All Automation will be in 0 - 1 values and there should be no problems!

Ok, you got me cornered. Next round :P

That means it is possible…? :D
Hell, please do this! :drummer:

i never really understand the potential of the advanced edit tab untill this very simple explenation of it!!! thank you very much :)

I didn’t find high-res automation recording in 2.8 beta, so a bump is needed. Also recording MIDI instruments with CCs is tedious to setup: incoming instrument data has to be mapped into MIDI meta device for it to even get recorded in low resolution. It would be nice to just be able to record incoming MIDI data into appropiate controller lanes.

Indeed. It is a pity because it sounded promising early last year having it in a beta included.


Hey there,

I might have missed it but we just stumbled upon the problem that this thread was originally about.

Did a way come up in the meanwhile, how to record automation not in pattern-line precision but as automation curves (or in general: with higher resolution, without using the FX column at all)?

Best regards!

Did a way come up in the meanwhile, how to record automation not in pattern-line precision but as automation curves

In a way, this is what the topic is about: high-res graphical automation envelopes.

But it sounds like you’ve not discovered how to record into envelopes in the first place?

Check the manual (chapter ongraphical automation):

Depending on the Automation setting in the Pattern Editor’s Control Bar, your changes will then be recorded as either Effect Commands or as graphical envelopes.

In a way, this is what the topic is about: high-res graphical automation envelopes.

But it sounds like you’ve not discovered how to record into envelopes in the first place?

Check the manual (chapter ongraphical automation):

That’s correct, didn’t discover it, shame on me!

That was misleading me to think it wasn’t possible - so it is possible and this topic is about upping the resolution.

So I say +1 to a not-further-specified implementation of “uncompressed automation recording” :lol:

Although I am a bit experienced in programming, I didn’t ever come as far as checking out the lua-stuff you can do with renoise. My unprofessional discrete ideas of ways to implement it:

  • An additional automation-mode exclusive to storing realtime-human-input. It could be a third button called “[Feed]” next to [Draw] [Line], when it is activated you cannot use the mouse at all, it will only record (when recording is activated) and saves (all) midi-messages/control-changes of a mapped controller (in a data-structure that will need to be additionally saved for the automation for the pattern)
  • Being able to specify LPB for the automation of a pattern (doesn’t solve that some midi messages (=controller changes) are going to be lost, the ones in between the lines)
  • Free-Draw mode for the automation of a pattern (involves an additional data-structure for that kind of automation, basically the first idea again but non-specific for which input is used mouse or controller)

I’m a bit out of touch since I only just start renoising after 2 years, pelase excuse my ignorance.