Automation: Showing The Automation Value At The Current Position

It’s great to see the value of the currently selected point, but it would be even greater to also see the value of the automation curve at the current playing position.

And also show the values “in the language of the VST” (not just the % value)?

yep, agreed.


and a position bar that moves along the automation window as the pattern progresses.

Hmm, but that’s already there?

Haha, yes we do…

I am ashamed now.


This would be very helpful if possible.

It should be possible, since Renoise shows it that way when using the sliders.

Yeah that is a great idea.

The % value only count for VSTs, the native DSP plugs show their real values.

Yes it should, you’re right.

I think what you meant was “The % value count for VSTs, only the native DSP plugs show their real values”…