I know my english is not excellent, I come from Italy, so maybe I could not express myself.
_ I was talking about creating an INDIPENDENT automation window, which works in terms of TIMELINE and not the standar automation grafic anymore.
This way either you use unique patterns or not the automation window will be indipendet from the patterns but synchronized in terms of TIME with the whole song.
Let me give you an example: if you want to start filtering a melody line from pattern 1 to pattern 16, and at the same time I want to automate the volume of the bass drum, and maybe automate another filter for the vocal part, and effects and so son…(just to keep being simple) it would be irritating to split the grafic automations in “parts” for each fx and for each pattern every time, for every song!
_ When compose music you usually clear and rebuild suff, so what happens if I have to rewrite 32 patterns which I don’t like? Wouldn’t be easy to have indipendent automation lines that could be also saved as files?
_ One more thing: in order to keep mixing a song the volume level of each track need to be changed, then automated from the first until the last pattern of any song. This happens also for the balance (left & right) so
Do you think it’s easy to use 100 automation parts for every track?
For orchestral composers it would be hell only to automate the volumes for 32 channels and maybe for songs that last 12 minutes!!!
_ What is for creating exponential or algoritmic lines lasting 8-16 patterns? I think it would be easy to load default grafic lines and adapt them to ANY LENGHT of a song, just by giving a starting point and ending one, simply with 4 clicks and 2 seconds of time.
These are technical needs, and any aritst I know using logic or cubase would never waist some time to create automations point by point. I am talking because of my experience and what I have used to learn and see in the studios, and when you have an idea in mind and you want to put it quiclky into Renoise you can not waist hours just to creat “lines” for the automations.
I know it’s not impossible, I used to do it for years, but the time factor is really important in creativity so I am sorry to be that direct and tell you the facts how they are: creating automations in Renoise is a weak point, especially nowadays that electronic music needs more attention and TIME dedicated to other things in composition, believe me.
I attach an image as example, but keep in mind that one would need at least 2-3 lines like this to be automated for each track.
I hope you understand.