Band Or Album That Made Us Get Into Making Music

Björk and Portishead

my older brother’s mix tapes.


the prodigy fat of the land was the first ever album i bought,it was on tape and i tot it was badass!i would of been about 7!venetian snares has most definitely influenced me the most though,by far.

I did, nice selection :)

Here’s my version… I got a bit out of control, even though I didn’t find half the tunes I wanted lol. Really wanted like Wisps “Beadumaegen” and “Ljosvakin” by Frank Murder in there for instance, and most of the disco/electro, trip-hop, soul/funk, old psych stuff was nowhere to be found.

Depeche Mode’s Music For the Masses

I was interesting in making electronic music after listening to the big Warp artists (Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Board of Canada) but Bit Shifter was what actually pushed me into it. That was the first time I actually looking into how one makes electronic music (or chiptune in his case). Once I started learning about the programs and hardware I really got into it.

I try to rip off everyone and everything as much as I can. Then I make a track and listen to it and think “yeah I could do that too”.

lack of electronic music recordings and getting an old scream tracker 2.x (4chan) and a covox (that was a home-made device made out of bunch of resistors soldered together and connected to the printer [parallel?] port). future crew were the first inspiration.

How is 4chan related to an old scream tracker?

Necros/FM - “Progression” musicdisk

Especially “Point of Departure” which I heard at first in the little game “Ultimate Steroids”.

4chan = 4 channel… :rolleyes:

it had 4 channels facepalm

You’d figure with that track as such a strong influence you’d have ended up an industrial artist :P

I used that sample in one of my tracks… which may end up on my album :P

Beethoven stopped by late one evening when I had immense fever, he motioned for me to get up so he could whisper his secret compositional methods… YAAHRRRGH!! :badteethslayer:

man, that was some fever :smashed:

Don’t laugh. If I must choose one single record that made me think that creating music is a good idea, this it the one. I was about nine years old.

like this?

 I’m not sure, part because I don’t remember exactly and I’m not really sure there was a single band. But Nine Inch Nails definitely played a major role in the way I wanted to make music when i began. I was fascinated and later on, totally obsessed with the Sound of NIN, especially the sound/production of The Downward Spiral. The ways the guitars were processed. How the electronic sounds sounded so organic, and globally how unique I found the sound of NIN… There were so many layers in one single song, I could notice new things on the 100th listen…

The first three electronic tracks that I heard made me give up on bands forever and start making electronic music:…h?v=amnK5BNBJcM
(13/4 time, snares you are a genius!)…h?v=-G01DKEig14

what’s with only being allowed to post a max of two videos?…h?v=TJsQ-14Vvwo

Yup + his method of attacking the many beasts in music, from studio to live to web presence, to translating his piano pieces to the live band, and also dealing with the non musical side of things, some of which bleeds through the public. I also like that he has a close family like team.

I can’t mention NIN without saying David Bowie, Dead Can Dance, Meshuggah, NES & GB composers, Nirvana, Ratatat, and I know YouTube isn’t a band but without it, I wouldn’t have been exposed to new or ‘old but new to me’ music, some of which aren’t available to purchase like trailer music for instance.

edit: embedded random Dead Can Dance live vid

It was no particular band. It was OctaMED giving me the power to compose although I had some other software before composing the theme song of “Goede tijden slechte tijden” a dutch soap serie.

but bands that inspired me: Charly lownoise & Mental theo, Dune, Prodigy, David Bowie, later on Aphex Twin, Squarepusher you know the drill.
my first love for vocals came from (yes laugh if you want) Marilyn Manson.
Mechanical animals is really a neat album.