Bass Guitar Synth?

when im noodling away recording and such, i sometimes times wanna lay a bass track down to go along with the guitar tracks, so i can play with ideas before im with the band, but i dont have a bass.:frowning: … and while the analog synths are good fun, just doesnt always go with the metal/rock style. (but checkout “spunkbubble” @, the synth came out well there:-)) does anyone know of a good free vst/renoise sample based instument that sounds like a real bass.??? also what would be real cool would be if i could mimmick how we record the bass, and mix a bass amp with a D.I box after in the device chain… i suppose im looking for a dry bass guitar. as i have some good free bass amp vsts. just have to see if theres a di box effect(is that even possible, as ours is outboard??)

any help would be much appreciated, and youl get my equivulent of an internet reach-around:-)

try Spectrasonic Trilogy…

he said he wanted a free plugin, which I don’t think it exist (good).
The only free I remeber of is the sucking (and very old) VB-1 by Steinberg.

by the way, Trilogy has been discontinued and now Spectrasonics sells the more advanced Trillian

(PS: you could also tell you band’s bass player to make samples for you and do your self-made XRNI)

Is there not a usable sf2 bass guitar library that could suffice? May take a bit of hunting around but I would be surprised if something suitable can’t be found.

Or even XRNI…

(Sorry thought time would of been enough for this post to be amended to the last.)

Have downloaded a few xrni but not much that useful. There’s house1.xrni in the provided instruments that may be ok with some work on the envelopes and acousticbass.xrni (can’t remember the name of the site at the mo.) Both would definitely need a bit of distortion and stuff to get close to sounding like an electric though.

i’ve never tried it but this guy makes a killer waves L1 limiter emulation so i suspect his free bass plugin sounds ok:

I sampled my bass for my BeatBattle 5 entry Octopus’ Lair. Maybe it’s helpful

edit: link fixed

thanx guys and gals

i was considering making my own xrni, but i was thinking that if im writing stuff at different tempos, the transients of the bass in the real world would differ. eg, playing at a fast speed would infer a different sound from the plectrum.(but a slight 0900 effect would make a big difference). thats why i was thinking maybe someone had tried to do a multisampled plugin, a bit like superior drummer.

that 4front bass is actually a very nice bass sound, thats staying in my weapon cupboard, thank you for pointing that one out.

I had a look at Octopus’ Lair It-Alien, and youve given me some ideas. i noticed you have a few bass instruments set up. so…i could sample the four stings on the bass open(and let them ring out), and put them on one instrument, and then maybe a different instrument for each string, going up the frets. i could then hop between strings, maybe helping to lesson the machine gun effect. NNNIIIIICCCEEEE OOOONNNEEE MMMYYY SSSOOONNN!!

And Kazakore does it again, yet another idea worth looking into. the vsti crystal can load sf2 files, and has good envelope modulation, i could map velocity of midi keys to some sort of envelope trickery i suspect. that has to be tried. im going sf2 hunting:-)

nice one peeps, it looks like youve set my friday night up for me!!!
ps, if any of you get a tickle from behind in the wee hours of the morning, dont fret(pun), its only me.

Go on the NI site and get their freebies, Kore 2 Player and Kontakt Player.

In Kore 2 Player look for Standing Jazz Bass which is a great sounding upright. And in Kontakt Player there’s Classic Bass which is a decent bass guitar. Much better than the 4front bass IMHO.

doing just that fnknrk, cheers!

lol, forgive my net naivity but i had to check google to find out what IMHO means. i sort of new what it meant, i got the gyst, but i just couldnt stand not knowing for sure anymore:-) im gonna start my own acronyms from now. like…IHA