Sorry for the dumb question in the thread, but does anyone host BB2 files online? I ruined some files by accident sometime ago. I would be thankfull if someone upload or send me a file with a “cut da cut” or something like this in the name.
and btw, is anyone interested in new beat battle? maybe some new ideas?
And for all people, It-Alien and Pulsar will manage past BB files online soon.
If we can hold BB4 at the announcement of 1.5, it was the best.
However, members of the Renoise Team were busy in each life.
Personally, I participated in BB2 & BB3 though I wasn’t confident of the tracking, and it became reference of the tune making.
Of course I’m wishing BB to revive.
yeah, would be intersting to have a new BB with every new Renoise release, people use tracker quite hard in compos, and BB could be like a big bugfixing action…
I’d preffer simple everyday type for the compo. It’s quite intersting to hear a bunch of tunes which were made with very limited resources. who cares about design…