Don’t know if this is the right place, don’t know either wether you like to hear my story, but I never said thanks for this awesome piece of code. Now i just have to:
My first encounter with trackers was on my brother’s amiga 1000. I did a lot of crappy songs. Soundtracker first, then Oktalyzer. Those songs all are in antimagnetic songheaven by now, disks unreadable, booohoo (hmmm not really booohoo, they were really crappy). PC era began and i had some fun with that midisequencer i got together with my soundblaster, even bought that quite cool yamaha db50xg extension, but always somehow was annoyed with its limitations and those boring wavetablesounds. Tried around with Fasttracker a little, but it didn’t work too well with my hardware. So I finally quit composing until two years ago i accidentally stumbled upon renoise. I couldn’t believe it. This was like all my dreams coming true at once and even more. This software is virtual CRACK! I registered the other day and since then I am happy as hell.
I am not a great musician, never was, never will be. But I always enjoyed making cheesy 8bit tunes and noisy sounds. Renoise is just perfect for this. Cubase? Fruityloops? ach, go away.
It is sooo easy to make unique sounds by just sampling some noise or drawing some waves, then multiply notes, chords, add some fx, render it to sample, repeat. I never regretted one cent. Interface rules, Use of keyboard shortcuts. everything is so damn precise. yeah yeah yeah.
I did some animation films during the last years and doing the soundtrack for it in renoise. It worked so well - like butter! if maybe one day there would be some option of syncing videomaterial, it would be splendid. but with proper planning it actually wasn’t so much of a problem.
Don’t want to let this look like spam, but maybe you might want to have a look at it. I did every single sound in renoise. most of it by just drawing waves or coughing into my headset, then lofimating
well, thanks once more.
it rocks