Its been a while since i checked out the forum at
The main reason is because ive started to use Cubase (yeah im cursing in gods house, but unfortunatly its a much better software for my type of genre) Anyways… Ive had some good times with renoise, and i just wanted to share a song that i made in renoise a while ago. Normaly i dont advertise my songs, but i though that i might share this type of work, because its not a tekno type of music. Its plain and simpel Drum, bass, guitar and vocals and wanted to show you that its possible to make ordinary music with renoise aswell as electronica.
I lost the original rns file a while ago, so i havent finished it…
Even tho i use cubase Im not 100% comfortable with it… Both softwares are bascilly the same, but every trackermusicbased song has a special sound. And i miss it alot.
the song is called ‘Lost Souls’ and is 100% reniose. Guitar is realtime recorded and only the trumpets is vst. Rest is trackerbased.
Pease out:)
Man my english sucks these days