What would the formula for converting from a BPM number in float, say, something from inside the tap tempo tool, to a
Is it just map the range from rs:track(rs.sequencer_track_count+1):device(1):parameter(6).value_min and value_max to 0.0-1.0?
I’d love to be able to make the current tap tempo tool a bit better by providing it with automation writing support (I don’t like “Round BPM”, and the pattern command seems to round it somewhat too)
Don’t worry too much about handling the conversions yourself. Just use the record_value() function provided by the device parameter. It will take care of mapping the real value to the automation value for you.
For example, this will create a BPM automation point at the current song position:
-- Local copy of Renoise Song object.
local song = renoise.song()
-- Set parameter recording mode to automation.
song.transport.record_parameter_mode = renoise.Transport.RECORD_PARAMETER_MODE_AUTOMATION
-- Turn on edit mode.
song.transport.edit_mode = true
-- Record a BPM value to automation.