i’m having trouble downloading it. clicking the link opens a new blankpage in my firefox
try this link, press musical note for mp3:…ugotttsoooo.mp3
dude try this shit sucks
link works here, have you tried the link from my second post?
heh now it works!
UH! works here.
and wery funky!
cheers guys!
Sorry man. I tried IE as well. Not working
works fine for me. great track dude, where are you going to school?
Soul power is the groove of the hour.
And some Funk Inc. in there, although the guitar sample starts to get boring. Why doncha cut it down to pieces and mess around more?
Keep on sampling!
For those that are still having issues, try this link
It sounds very good man!!
I like it that every instrument really has his own place in the mix.
There are a lot of samples but it sounds very clean
keep on rocking!
finally works cool tune jonas
simply awesome procrastinations
Royal Conservatory the Hague, Sonology
…can you get me in? lol…but seriously, i checked that place out…looks really cool, what do you think of it?
School is school, but overall I’m happy I picked up again after a year hiatus, if only for the view of pretty singers/ballet/violin girls during lunch breaks
There are studio’s you can work in, a few interesting classes to attend, but in the end YOU have to put in work to get most out of the limited time you have in school. There is so many stuff I want to do, but not enough time in the day
Love the breaks, sounds so crisp.
I’ll agree with Dfast though, the guitar sample does get boring, and it shows the structure.
Really nice moods though, overall crisp production.
Haha, and now its dub. Nice.
I think in this section its the delays that let it down. A filter would work well to cut them out of the picture before they drag the time too much.
Overall Fun Track