
So many great entries… And I wasn’t there :’(

Awesome tune keith303 boy.

Very impressive entries ptrance and keith :)

hey mates, thanks for listening.
unfortunately the quality of the xm is horrible and it sounded even worse than expected on the PA (way too much bass making the lower freq region become one single drone + too little air / treble).
for those interested, here’s a reworked/mastered mp3 version.
btw: my streaming music entry (“informal speech”) didn’t make it through preselection… maybe it was disqualified (got a pre-version on tube since like 2 years) or it simply sucked too much :yeah:
i’ll never know…

that blender “tutorial” was plain awesome!

Or the “One entry per contestant” applied to all of the music competitions and they simply picked the best one.

We enjoyed your XM on the day, keith303 :)

But, sorry: that rule doesn’t apply across all competitions vV :confused: Having said that, bear in mind that in past years, the streaming music compo has had in the region of 80 entries. Attendance exploded this year and I’m sure there’ll have been even more… Usually about 20 pass preselection, and don’t forget they’ve got a gargantuan quota of dull German techno to fulfill ;) I’ve had crap songs of mine pass preselection in the past while much better songs have failed and it just depresses me a bit… (Actually, once they came and found me to say “we want to pass your tune, but it’s 30 seconds too long!” so I sobered up a little, borrowed someone’s machine, downloaded my xrns and some plugins, upped the tempo by about 20bpm and rendered it off until it fell within the time limit. It sounded fucking disgraceful :) )

Anyway, perhaps some of those bad habits won’t survive when Breakpoint’s replacement comes along!

Wow, dfast is in the forum too!! Yay for my awesome ability for not noticing before!

I SO LOVE the music for the ‘how to use blender’ video. It was greaaaaaat! \o/

syphus: I just don’t release anything musically wise on big parties (this year and the exe music thing being an unfortunate by-product of the lack of time haha), bah!

That… and if that nice volcano up there calms down and stops spitting his dirt out to our lovely air space!

In the meantime, some renoising is due! :drummer:

If I keep this thread alive, Breakpoint will never die! And it’s all Kaneel’s fault for giving me the idea…