Actually, I think the current recording process is just fine for recording overdubs - what we are lacking is a post-recording process that organizes those notes. At least, that’s my personal workflow: record stuff, then edit it.
Ledger did a script which will sort notes similar to how Renoise does it, but you can call it at any time:
I did a modified version with a different sorting algorithm:
For example, I often prefer matching notes to be located in the same column when recording/programming drums
(imagine something like a hihat - it should occupy just a single column, not be spread all over the place).
That is exactly what I need. I was thinking of hacking the split by notes tool to sort into columns, as it only does tracks…but it would take me a while to get up to speed, and you kind gentleman have already done it.
I’ve said it before - Lua scripting is really cool