Can't Load My Old Ptm (protracker Module) Files Anymore + How Can

Hi guys,

I hope you can help me / Hope i have found the right forum for these kind of questions

Yesterday, i have found some of my old ptm/mod songs from 1995-1997 on a harddisc.

  1. Now, with some mayby older ptm song i get this error message when i try to load them in Protracker 3.62 or 3.61:


I have downloaded the “xpk_User.lha” pack (Version 5.2a) from this site:

I use WinUAE 1.2.0 (Amiga Forever 2006 Premium Edition from CLOANTO)

  1. The second problem is, that i don’t know (anymore?) how it is possible to save a loaded ptm song as a mod in Protracker 3.62 or 3.61?

Hope you can help me - thanks,

I might be wrong and I dont have an Amiga anymore, but maybe you are missing an unpacker. Download and use xfdlist to see with what packer the files are packed with. After that search aminet for suitable unpacker if its indeed missing.

Just a tought and I might be totally wrong :)

ps. maybe xpk has similar command to tell the packer, see manual about the c/ commands

Thanks Hooligan/DCS - you have solved the first problem!

I have still not found a solution for my second problem. Any ideas?

=> save ptm as mod / convert ptm to mod

…problem solved…

In “Disk Op.” it’s possible to switch between “MODFORM: IFF” = ptm or “MODFORM: OLD” = mod