Oh well I really don’t like to make a topic about this problem (probably a very silly one).
I’ve been stuck for a couple of days with capture_nearest_instrument_from_pattern
I’m really confused - how is it supposed to work or what should it return?
Only thing I can get out of it is nil if I run this
capture_nearest_instrument_from_pattern is a “method” which is shown by the colon after renoise.song(). It will do something and not necessarily return something to print.
If you run what you have posted in the test pad, you will see that on execution renoise will capture the nearest instrument from the pattern in the instrument list (presuming there is a song and instruments there etc.). It works as though you had used the renoise feature yourself [pressed shift+return] in a song.
according to the documentation, this function does not return anything: it should only perform the operation of capturing the instrument. It would be indeed reasonable to return the captured instrumet
It would be comfortable, but ain’t necessary.
Once you have executed that function, simply call the routine to fetch the currently selected instrument and you are done.
Perhaps, you need to add a notifier that watches instrument selection changes meanwhile, just for security reasons.
Thanks guys!
According to this false bug-report https://forum.renoise.com/t/auto-capture-instrument/29561 the Ledgers AutoCaptureFromFirstNote script was preventing the capture_nearest_instrument_from_pattern method to take effect. - And that’s why I was so confused in the first place.
But I got it now. Hmm… That makes things a bit bit more complicated for me. Would be great if there was a method to just get the nearest instrument index from anywhere you want and not depending on where’s the cursor at and not changing the selected instrument.
This may help, just paste into testpad and execute. It should print the index you want but not capture the instrument i.e. returns the selected instrument to the initial one:
local current_instrument = renoise.song().selected_instrument_index --get current index
renoise.song():capture_nearest_instrument_from_pattern() --capture
local captured_index = renoise.song().selected_instrument_index --get captured index
renoise.song().selected_instrument_index = current_instrument --return to initial instrument
Edit: though I am not quite sure what you mean by “not depending on where’s the cursor at” as the capture depends on this? i.e. how would it know what instrument you are after?
edit 2: if you mean to work similarly to my autocapture script, then you need to do this with a track iterator.
Indeed. But the snippet he gave was really useful though.
To accomplish what I’m up to I guess I have to just scan the whole song line by line, pattern by pattern, track by track and column by column and then collect all the instrument data to a table… Let’s see. I hope it won’t become too slow. I just wished there was a better way to do it.
The whole song?
I believe even the internal routine does not scan further than the current pattern…
If it would have to extent song-wise, i would go no further than the current track.
Also don’t forget to check if a subcolumn is visible or hidden. Note-data in hidden subcolumns are still readable by scripts and may cause confusion if you don’t know that the script has processed hidden data.
Sorry it took so long to reply.
Here’s the core of what I wanted to do. It finds and stores all the instrument indexes which are used on a track from whole song. Beginner as I am this code really sucks and it’s slow. So better test it on some shorter song
There’s also a bug which I haven’t figured out yet how to avoid it - when there’s no note data on the first pattern on a track it just adds the selected instrument index.
renoise.app():show_status("Processing... Please wait...")
local tracks = renoise.song().tracks
local track_count = table.getn(tracks)
local instruments = renoise.song().instruments
local patterns = renoise.song().patterns
local current_track = renoise.song().selected_track_index
local current_instrument = renoise.song().selected_instrument_index
local current_note_column = renoise.song().selected_note_column_index
local current_pattern = renoise.song().selected_pattern_index
local current_line = renoise.song().selected_line_index
local line_step = 4
local tracks_and_instruments = {}
for i, v in ipairs(tracks) do
if tracks[i].visible_note_columns > 0 then
renoise.song().selected_track_index = i
table.insert(tracks_and_instruments, i)
tracks_and_instruments[i] = {}
for i, v in ipairs(patterns) do
renoise.song().selected_pattern_index = i
for i=1, renoise.song().selected_track.visible_note_columns, 1 do
renoise.song().selected_note_column_index = i
for i=1, renoise.song().selected_pattern.number_of_lines, 2 do -- line step = 2
renoise.song().selected_line_index = i
---################## Collecting data to tracks_and_instruments
local selected_instrument = renoise.song().selected_instrument_index
local instrument_belongs_to_track_already = false
local no_instruments_found_yet = true
-- detecting if instrument belongs to the track already, to avoid adding it twice
for i=0, table.getn(tracks_and_instruments[renoise.song().selected_track_index]) , 1 do
if instrument_belongs_to_track_already == false then
if tracks_and_instruments[renoise.song().selected_track_index][i] == selected_instrument then
instrument_belongs_to_track_already = true
-- Adding a new entry to table tracks_and_instruments if the instrument doesn't belong to the track
if instrument_belongs_to_track_already == false then
table.insert(tracks_and_instruments[renoise.song().selected_track_index], selected_instrument)
---################### End of collecting data to tracks_and_instruments
-- Restoring the position
renoise.song().selected_track_index = current_track
renoise.song().selected_instrument_index = current_instrument
renoise.song().selected_note_column_index = current_note_column
renoise.song().selected_pattern_index = current_pattern
renoise.song().selected_line_index = current_line
I hope you guys have some ideas and can help me out a bit here.
And make sure you tell me if I’m doing something terribly wrong
Well for starters you could replace this line:
local current_instrument = renoise.song().selected_instrument_index
local current_instrument = -1
Then when you are working with your routines, you need to insert conditions to check if the current instrument is actually filled in or not before processing any specific data.
If you don’t use these conditions, you get errors pretty quickly but these errors allow you to get some insight on what goes exactly wrong where in your code.