Cells! Preview

request: last-slice-repeat-until-retriggered… a sample added to the gui can be made to play till the end, and a lpb / bpm based “repeat” is calculated to start occurring from when the loop reaches it’s end. this way a 1 bar beat, for instance, would either play till the end of the beat and (if the last sound is a hihat (depending on resolution, it might be the snare + hihat), if the last sound is a hihat, the hihat starts playing and plays, synced up, till the cell is retriggered).

this way one can record in for instance melodic loops which resolve to a specific end note which keeps on retoggling itself, or at best, just playing instead of choppily looping.

This is inspiring mxb. I’m not a traditional Live user in any way, and would never use this in the way you have done in the demo video. But I’m looking forward to playing with it sometime to do some live abstract texture jamming.


There’s nothing quite like that, I just listened to this obscure music by vladimir ussachevsky yesterday. It’s exactly the kind of thing that’s so difficult to achieve with Renoise.

This tool makes you forget the construct and focus on the essentials. I like it.

Sorry, I am too lazy to read the whole thread… :rolleyes:

Is this going to be a payed plugin?

I understand the request, but this is currently not possible as the sample will eventually be retriggered anyway when the note comes back around on the pattern loop.

tut tut! All my tools are free to use :)

legendary Mxb here

one tip: keep it simple for now and look for details


Just updated the first post in this thread this morning with the latest features list and a screenshot of the latest beta version.

Cells! is going into feature freeze now so any additional feature requests will have to wait until a major update version.

I can wait :w00t:

MXB you rock

New video of Beta 4.1 thanks to Void Pointer!


This video also shows some of the new features (e.g. the loop position indicators (under stop cell) and one-shot samples (cyan)) and also some of the older features not in the first video (changing instruments on a track in realtime)

Many thanks to Void Pointer for the video! (much better than mine)

cool looking good! Am I right that the triggering of loops with this tool isn’t/can’t be recorded into the pattern editor? Can’t see it in th enew youtube.

The triggering of loops is still being recorded in the pattern editor.

Thanks mxb for this great tool!

This tool alone is worth thousands of loud and noisy applause… :D

seriously, i don’t think i will lose my time installing Live when we feature things like these !

would there be something like “cell view” (mixer view, pattern view)? Cells in hoovering window is making other renoise parts bit obscure. Or it owuldn’t be possible cause of lack of api?

Like this?

The tool currently works on an endless repeating pattern. For a future version I’m planning on adding ‘rolling timeline’ mode where it just keeps adding patterns and extending the pattern sequence as required. This would have the affect of recording your performance. This will not make it for a version 1.0 release.

There is no possibility of adding a main Renoise ‘frame’ with the API, however the ‘shade’ button in the header hides all the cells and below (faders, crossfader etc.). This is to give more room on the screen for working with Renoise while it’s running.

cool, would be great if all midi-mapped toggles & tweaks could be recorded in the automation too.

excite! thanks for being a ninja mxb :]

That should work already, if you have this button activated:

I suppose it doesn’t work with “on/off” buttons for DSPs, but that’s a Renoise issue. DSP (de-)activation is registered on the effect column though.

can wait to eat this awesome tool…
nice work bro…