Chillout Downtempo Triphop

A new chilled out downtempo triphoppy track with a jazzy foundation.

sonus - Let Go

Enjoy! :smiley:

Nice tune, clear and laidback with an attention to details. What choir/organ is that btw(all of them)?

Thanks for the feedback cyberwax!

I’m not by my Renoise machine at the moment, but I believe the main chords are a combination of lounge lizard and mrray with different effects on each. The organ around the 3 minute mark is a patch in sampletank.

Thanks again. :guitar: :yeah:

c’est tres chique !

could use some vocals… buuut chilling anyhow, perhaps just a bit more variations with the drums… some more rolling snare’s ? i thought the kick and bass where fighting with each other at times…

how do people review here anyhow ? am i suposed to say something about the mix at all ? hehe

overall i liked it enough to drop it into my mp3 folder but it could use some tweaks here and there to make it really shine. perhaps let that solo organ part really go wild with automation. let it cry !


Really liked the song. I would agree that some vocals would sit in really nice, but overall, I liked the vibe. Good stuff mang. Keep it up.

Cool! Thanks for the comments pilot7 and!

I’m actually slowly looking around for somebody to maybe lay down some vocals … we shall see.

Really nice one. Smooth strings and sounds. The beat is now and then somhow cut and hectic in the breaks.
Overall very chilly.