Chord Sequencing Problem

Hi everyone. I decided to start learning to write with renoise and I’ve encountered an issue with playing chords that I was hoping you all could help me out with:

I figured out how to enter chords with my MIDI keyboard with the chord button when I record in real time. However, I was wondering, When I just hold down shift and enter the chords, Is there a quick way to release all notes of the chord as opposed to manually entering “off” on every pitch?

sorry if my question is ill phrased or if I’m over-looking something very obvious. Thank you in advance.

Hmm not sure about this. The only ways I know of that you can get a NoteOff into the pattern data is either via the MIDI key release in record mode, or manually putting the Offs with the CapsLock key in edit mode.

I may be wrong. Does that help?

acutally a “all columns off”-shortcut would be nice. press one button and have a “off” in all columns in a track.


Ahh thank you very much for that all columns off shortcut. that will speed things up tremendously.

yikes. thank you it-alien.

however, maybe there are some other column-shortcuts I am not aware of and I really need because I tend to do my drums on one track with battery, is there a way to have this “insert/delete line”-command (ins/del) affect only the current column ?

from keybindings.xml:

  <binding>Insert new Row in Column</binding><br>
   <key>Shift + Control + Insert</key><br>
   <binding>Delete current Row in Column</binding><br>
   <key>Shift + Control + Delete</key><br>

ah, thank you so very, very much.