Chords Not Playing

After writing a track I may use a few note columns for chords or similar noises that want the same processing (I know I should get used to using sends). Now once I am happy with these parts I am likely to close the track down so only the first column is displayed, but doing this causes any sounds that are within the columns that have been “closed” to not be played.

Is this purposeful? If it is what real benifits do you see from having it this way? I could almost see it being useful if using Renoise live, but would be more worthwhile to have the differnt parts either in seperate tracks or patterns. If it’s a bug I hope it’s fixed quickly, as is fairly simple ;)

Expanding or shrinking columns in a track is not merely a display issue, it affects the whole functionality of the track itself. If you need more columns in a track and you need to expand it, then leave it expanded!

It makes perfect sense to me that if you collapse/delete columns from a track then they will not play anymore.

if it would not work this way, you should erase all unwanted columns in all patterns to remove them ; also, you will hear notes which are not displayed, which can lead to confusions if you reopen the song after a lot of time (or if anyone but you opens it).

I can think at a collapse funciton as an useful addition, but not like this

Fair enough, I wasn’t quite sure. Personally I would feel it’s more of a view option, but as can’t be said enough every person likes to work and think differently.