Click To Select Single Field In Pattern Editor


Lots of new features & behavior introduced with 2.0, so this might be intentional:

Using the mouse to select a single “field” (i.e. note in notecolumn or effect value/pair) causes the cursor to jump to this location. Dragging to select two “fields” (a note and an effect, or two rows of effect, etc) behaves as expected. But, moving the mouse to select two fields, then dragging back so only one is selected also causes the cursor to move when the button is released.

Personally, I often need to copy a note or effect from another row or track to the current cursor location. It’s effectively impossible to select a single note now without also selecting the effect or moving the cursor.

Otherwise, a ton of great new features! (I love that send tracks are automatically un-muted now!)

Using 2.0.0 RC3 on Vista, if this matters.


Hi, see if enabling this helps:

Edit => Preferences => GUI => Delayed Drasg & Drop

Hi, thanks for the tip. That particular option did not have an effect on my issue, but while I was in there, I saw the Single Mouse Click Navigation option.

I should really have looked through the Preferences before posting. :unsure: