Collapse Tracks - Is This All Or Nothing?

can i collapse just three or four tracks or do I have to collapse everything but the current track?
There is the toggle at the bottom left of the pattern editor but this either toggles collapsing of all tracks but the current or no collapsing at all.

Thanks again for renoise!

You can collapse as many tracks as you want.

Collapse/Expand Track Ctrl+Shift+K
Collapse/Expand Group Ctrl+Shift+J

All Tracks and All Tracks In Group exist but have no default shortcut (I like leaving the actual group expanded but collapsing the tracks inside it personally.)

You can also use the collapse/expand arrow buttons found in the top left corner of each track.

2831 collapse.png

Maybe I’m going crazy, but I don’t see that arrow (32 bit 2.8b6 on OSX). Also, command+shift+j/k don’t seem to do anything.

[quote=“dblue, post:3, topic:34887”]
You can also use the collapse/expand arrow buttons found in the top left corner of each track.

2831 collapse.png

Just made the .gif for this part of the manual. While in current track only mode, the arrows are hidden and the shortcuts will not work.