would it be overly difficult and/or pointless to enable command line arguments on renoise?
specifically i was hoping for perhaps being able to render a file from the command prompt, being able to list and export the samples, instruments and maybe dsp chains in a file.
the reason i was hoping we could get this is so that i could connect to my computer at home, render a file to wav and encode it to mp3 or ogg so that i could sho someone work in progress and assemble demos quickly. the file content list and export would also be a useful way to browse other files for samples and dsp chains without closing a work in progress.
i think the dev team should concentrate their work for adding other needed features but if the file-format description is available maybe other 3rd party devs could make additional tools …
… and on linux-based os’s there is maybe a sense for command line stuff … but on winXP/2000 ?!
but i agree a connection to Renoise over LAN/WAN is really interessting. i know there is a tool for doing something like this with gigastudio … let’s think about later
being able to specify an alternate config.xml (so that, e.g., one can conveniently have a separate configuration for live performance). [[By the way… where does renoise actually store the settings set in the “Configs” tab? I don’t seem to have a config.xml in my renoise directory, and I can’t find the settings in the XP registry anywhere…]]
being able to specify a particular PlayList.txt to run.
You can try a click’n’script tool that only operates with mousecoordinates and timebased scripting. So you can make it perform automatic short-cut and click actions for you.
I don’t think that tools like ScriptIT would work on a self-designed GUI and window application like Renoise.
And it’s a very way around but it will work with the current version.
How about just make the script type in the full path in the text-field?
Most scripts do not only perform mouse-actions, key-actions they can do as well.
To solve this part of the problem (connecting remotely to render), you might try using VNC — it lets you connect remotely from one machine (windows, mac, linux, etc) to another machine running the VNC server (windows, mac, linux, etc, and not necessarily the same OS).