
I would like to try out commands like “09xy” , but i cant figure out how. i understand where the effects command column is, i just dont understand how to put them in there.


  • Move your cursor to the column like you would in a spreadsheet.
  • Press escape to go into editing mode, you will notice a big red border meaning you can now edit.
  • Type them in.

You could watch Vvoois’s video tutorial too!…

its for beginers, if it doesnt work make sure you have flash player installed

this is the page for more information on that

did you look at the Tutorial song #6, called “Sample offset”?

it should clarify things out

thanks guys. i actually figured it out on my own, but i might check out the tutorials you mentioned anyway.

this program is great! im loving it. :)

it’s better than most girlfriends!


next version will also be able to record what you say!

Girlfriends record what you say, too - but they’ll come up with that after you forgot what you said

Gf: “You said to me, 3 years ago, that I can buy this $5000 shoes”

3 years ago, I was drunk, stoned and high :)


Had a really good laugh!