“Renoise will now more accurately respond to real time playback with PDC enabled: notes that you’re playing/recording with your keyboard, while the song is running. This makes it much easier to record & improvise, even when using loads of delay causing plugins.”
I was wondering if the same could be done to Track Delay? If I set track delay to -100ms on Track 1 and then play real time on any other track, the sound will be delayed 100 ms.
Encountered somtin weird here , If I set a track to -100 ms delay and another To +100 ms = The rendered( to selection) result gives an ofset of 100 Ms …while It should be 200 Ms …or am I missing something here ?
While playing back there is obviously more time between playback ( 200 ms as it should be )then wen rendered
It seems like negative delay values ( which bassicaly are positive delay values to all other tracks )are not included in the rendered selection