I was wondering, if EVERY Renoise-File starts with RNS017 in its header information. What I actually want is to determine, if the User really uploads a Renoise-File.
I am planning to do a real 512kb competition with user-rating and stuff like that on my website… I created a special subdomain called http://contest.trancefish.de/ which will host the files and the rating-scripts soon. I guess, all of this stuff will be done at next monday…
After some research here of my oldest and newer rns files, I’ve found RNS05, 06, 07, 011, 012, 014, 015, 016 and 017. Is it an incremental number used for version loading handling perhaps?
Sounds like something i would like to participate in
Anyways as i’ve said before and now say again, let me know if you need hosting of your site. I have a rather hansome sdsl line here with enough bandwith(unlimited) that needs nurturing.
Sagosen is right. The simple check of the File-Extension is not enough. I am now trying to find out, if any browser gives me some sort of Mimetype or something.
Basically I am now scanning the File for the RNS-text in the first few bytes.
Thanks for the offering of some webspace But I register the tunes in a database, then I rename the files with a timestamp and md5() the name on the server. That is just, that people cannot download the music, without being registered (saving bandwidth)
I have currently planned 300 MB for the whole compo. I guess, this should be enough at this time.
The upload-script works now (okay, not public-visible…) but I guess, I can have this contest up and running withing the next 2 days. I am thinking about a limit of 2 songs per registered user.
That has 2 reasons: First, I want to have high-quality stuff available to rate and second, I don’t think anybody has sooo many 512 kb tracks available.
Okay, I almost finished the Script. Downloading and uploading works. The correct mimetype of RNS is audio/renoise and the Files are processed the way, I wanted it.
I made a rating script so that users can vote ONLY once for a specific song and they cannot vote for their own music.
5 Songs per Person should be allowed. I guess, the webspace will be enough for that