Considering using Renoise... 8 questions first

Yes, as Raul points out, phrases work on LPB - which are whole number ratios.

This works for playing a phrase in double tempo, dotted/triplet (1/3, 2/3, 3/1, 3/2 - and so on) - but you can’t set the phrase to play with a separate BPM. So, no 126 bpm slowly drifting away from 128 bpm (or whatever the tempo is in Steve Reichs Piano Phase :))


The tool would use delays to create an exact transformation of the speed of the music, allowing you to make really slight adjustments to a track’s playing speed which would be particularly useful for combining tracks from different sources or different recording “takes”.

Yes, I believe you gentlemen are looking for the Flexible Pattern Resizer:

Works on a pattern basis…so if you need to resize just a part of a pattern, use the built-in “split and join pattern” feature.

Split: Pattern Editor > rightclick > Pattern > Split

Join: Pattern Sequence > rightclick > Organize > Join

If you want to record multiple takes and select the best one: ← essential tool if you ask me, allows you to “endlessly record” on top of a looped pattern sequence ← allows you to record into phrases instead of pattern.