I don’t know if this has been brought up before, and if it has, i’m sorry I post this (I tried to search, but didn’t find anything).
Is it possible to use one “master”-instrument to control multiple other instruments? Like having a arpeg and a bass and controling them both with a third, empty, instrument?
maybe you could make something similar using a virtual MIDI cable and a Renoise MIDI instrument, but I doubt it. In any case, there is nothing built-in Renoise to do this, other than the ability to associate a VST/MIDI instrument and samples to the same instrument slot.
I remember that someone has used energyXT as a VSTi inside Renoise to achieve something similar, but again we are talking about VST/MIDI instruments, not sample based ones.
It would be useful feature integrated in Renoise.
Frequently i need to control multiple instruments (sample based or VSTi) with one master instrument. And till it’s not implemented, have to use multiple note instances for each instrument…