CPU Power


I have a Pentium 700MHz with 256 MB memory, and i use renoise with a lot of VST plugins. If i add to much VSTi’s my computer got overload.

I know thats because of the amount of VST’s

Is it usefull to buy another 128 MB or 256MB memory?? or doesn’t that improve the performance of renoise or is the processorspeed to low (700 MHz)

In the future i want to buy another computer only for makeing music, but i’m just a poor student so i need a short term solution for now so i can save money.


Jeroen B)

i would say it if your cpu is simply maxed out, cpubar showing 100% then ram won’t help that much.
but if your cpubar still shows lots of headroom when your computer dies, then more ram might be a good thing.

same with me, sometimes my system goes down at 30% cpu usage when i load too much dlls, i think it’s because of low ram.

I’m very well known here because of my slow PC :D

I can ensure you that adding more memory won’t help you a lot, expecially when using VST FX, which are much more CPU consuming than RAM consuming.

Some VST Instruments (expecially multilayered samplers such as Halion or Kontakt) do benefit from memory addition, but 256MB should suffice anyway.

I have a P3-733 with 392MB of RAM.

maybe you can find [this Forum thread](http:// this-link-is-no-more-valid?act=ST&f=5&t=1436) useful

I have only a AMD750@900 myself and I am waiting for it to blow up every day.


I guess the only thing to do is buying another Computer.

Which i will do in the future because i want to have a computer only for school and one just for music.




About memory… I don’t know about Renoise but just a general comment… How much memory you need is really dependent on which OS you run. I run XP and when I upgraded from 256 to 384Mb RAM I noticed a great speed up of everything. Just opening windows and running apps was way faster! They say that up to 512 Mb you will get much better performance and after that it decreases. I.e. the difference between 512 and 1024 is not that big as between 384 and 512 from what I’ve heard.

i wonder how speedy win(XP) would be if one had over 1gig ram and turned off virtual memory? i guess it would fly :)
though one had to know pretty well how much ram everything needs…

would renoise run better with XP???

I still use win 98

Jeroen B)

Pentium 700,256 MB memory

oops, wasn’t looged in.
why is this the only site on the net where i have to log in everytime?

Maybe it will helt to add this site to always allow cookies. If you use IE go to settings / privacy / edit / and add www.renoise.com or www.dachiphop.com… can’t remember which one that is should be.

the forum runs on www.dachiphop.com so you should add this one.


It eats ram…mmmmmm.

I think i’ll wait with switching to XP untill i have a new CPU.
Mainly because i use a lot of VSTI’s.

Jeroen B)

ahh. now it works fine… thanks :)