Creative Commons - Encode Xrns To Open Only On Purchased Copy Of Renoi

I am currently transitioning my project from “all rights reserved” to the creative commons licensing scheme.

An idea ran across my head today while eating lunch which I wanted to run across the renoise community as well as the dev team.

The subject says it all, but if you’re not familiar, CC is essentially a scheme for releasing your creative works (or any digital project) to an open collaboration format. Although I’m not certain I’d opt to do this on every piece I release, my current “source code” for a tune can be essentially boiled down to an xrns file and a reaper file format (obviously given all dependent sound files/samples). I’d like to release both, but as an encouragement to those contributing to actually purchase renoise, I thought it might be worth a discussion…

Would it be worthwhile to the renoise dev team to provide an option (possibly in the song info panel) which only allows read-only access to xrns files to users using the free demo, but allows full read/write access to paid customers?? I’m not referring to the file’s attributes in the given operating system, instead this would require a bit of fancy code behind the scenes during the creation of the XRNS file (upon saving the song).

The point in using an XRNS is to give someone the ability to learn from the structure and techniques that are used within the song.
Once you release an XRNS there is no way to prevent someone from either saving the content to a new song (which for sure we would not deny a demo user) or using a script to simply untoggle the flag in the XRNS document because the document is open to everyone.
Either release your song fully as WAV / FLAC / MP3 or whatever closed binary format (that is your benefit as registered user) or allow someone to learn from your technique and allow full access to it.
It is up to you to embed attribution info into the song-comments if you want to attach a CC license to it.

I don’t understand … if you are making a move toward openness, why would you want to back off immediately and put some closeness back ?

I don’t think the renoise community would gain anything from this - either on the money side and on the reputation side.

Technically, the only way I can think of to do that is to close the xrns file format by encrypting the file with a key that is hidden inside renoise’s binary. That way, only renoise can open the file and tell if it should go read-only or not. The side-effect is giving the finger to the nice third party softwares that has been developped and publicized here.

Righto… it seemed a better idea at the time. good points made.