Current Fads That Irritate

This is music related, really. I’ll start off with my pet hate of the day:

Knobs on the computer screen.

What’s the damn point? “Wow, it looks like a knob, and I can turn it with my mouse!”
Some may argue the need for visual feedback. I say I can get more information from a percentage, or a real value, or even a slider (like the ones in Renoise :) ).

Watching knob animations on screen is like watching late night tv food advertisements when all the shops are shut and your fridge is empty.

People littering. It shouldn’t drive me mental, but it does. If I see litter anywhere I’m usually compelled to pick it up, possibly recycle it.

Knobs are not too bad: passable if the mouse action works just like a fader. Those ones where you have to move the mouse around in a circle are beyond stupid.

I couldn’t agree more about the knobs–if it has to be something that moves like a “real device”, do a slider. The ones that make you move in a circle ARE rediculous–like propellerhead software or steinberg products. I guess it’s supposed to be for people who don’t use computers or something. Let’s emulate equipment to the hilt–NO let’s not!! It’s a f**king computer program–act like a program and give me the flexibility of a program, like Renoise does!! :)

The littering thing is quite lame as well.

1/2 pound or even a full pound burger, biggie fries–no problem with people getting those, but then they get a diet soda, as if it’s gonna make a difference…

People driving extra slow in the passing lane and refuse to get over even when a line of cars is behind them flashing their lights and honking their horns. People who are so “physically challenged” that they can’t push the pedals fast enough to react quickly to bad situations–where they need a walker to walk but they can drive their big SUV’s and almost cause accidents everywhere they go. People who need to come to a complete stop to make a curb-lane turn into a parking lot.

Extra-long t-shirts that go down to one’s knees.

Wearing socks with sandals, especially on pouring-wet days.


The re-introduction of high-rise pants.

Cigarettes and nasty cigars, and parents of kids who chain-smoke inside the house. People who constantly complain about not being able to smoke cigarettes in indoor public places “they’re taking away my rights” sort of crapola.

SUV’s… In a car crash they hold up pretty well while the people in the other car are in serious trouble. They use lots of gas, which means environmentally they suck. It should not even be called SUV imho. How can a car be Sporty? Maybe a race car if anything. And Utility… would work if it wasn’t for the fact that this vehicle was designed for everyone and for city use, not for off roading.

Agree with the knobs which you have to move your mouse around… those are really annoying :)

Couldn’t agree more. In Australia, they’re sometimes referred to as Toorak Tractors, due to being commonly used by rich bored suburban mothers (often residing in Toorak) driving their precious offspring to school.

yeah SUV mothers are a disaster: as already stated here, they are on that big trucks and drive them in a totally anarchic way, not really because they are anarchic, while instead they just don’t know how to drive them, and they, as most of mothers on cars do, just hope other people avoid them.

I don’t know what’s going on in other countries, but in Italy fuel price has increased of about 40% in one year (1€/liter to 1.4), but I still see people accelerating as freaks.

Are you dumb or what? I mean… Ok, you’re on an highway and want to surpass that truck which is going to slow you down for 10 minutes otherwise, so it’s fine to accelerate. But what about cities? There is a darn traffic light each 300 meters, why in the world should you try to surpass me each time, if we will meet at next stop again?

1 year ago, with 10€ I was able to fill my tank 10 liters, I drove normally and made about 120km (12km/l).

Now, with 10€ I can buy 7.2 liters, I drive in a low consumption fashion, and I’ve made 108km yesterday (15km/l!)

I don’t think that SUV people can do the same, and of course they rant everyday about fuel cost increasing.

There is also another thing about SUVs: they park just everywhere: the more your car is big, the more is hard to park it, this is clear, so can’t you just fill your self-esteem with a damn more little car? Isn’t your personality big enough? Wouldn’t we notice you if you were driving a damned 3.5 meters car?

Ok, enough with SUV jerks.

Another one: cigarettes. Berlusconi’s government has made one single damn good law: forbide smoking into pubs. AAHHHH!! My liberation after years of intoxication!

Ok, this is the law; what about reality?

In most of pubs, the law is respected: bloody smokers which just can’t stand it, put their ass out of the pub, and go smoking out, freezing themselves for the sole pleasure of ruining their own health.

In some others, mainly where there is live music, there are so many so called “alternative” people who are too much “alternative” to respect this law, because yes: they are alternative, so they don’t give a damn f*ck about laws! Oh yes! And what about the owner of the pub? Of course he is alternative too! He runs a pub where alternative punks play their alternative junk, so he is alternative up to his blood! So he smokes too! This is freedom, of course! Freedom to give thousand Euros to multinational companies which bounded you to inhale noxious substances, and you have to pay them too! How alternative!

I really agree on the law against smoking. It’s just great! It was introduced over here in June and I haven’t heard anyone complain about it - even smokers. And I haven’t seen persons or places breaking this law… or maybe I’m just not hanging around on such alternative clubs :)

But this thread was supposed to be about irritation, so here’s some more:

People and bikes who are all too often in the way, not following any traffic laws and don’t look out for other traffic.
Motorcycles that constantly have to accelerate to 150km/h just outside my window at night (this is a 50km/h road right in the city).
People correcting other’s use of language.
Mean people.

people in a supermarket oblivious to others… like they are the only ones shopping… they also seem to be glued to their shopping cars… it always has to go along right to the shelf even if there’s hardly enough space for them alone.
Dropping a bottle of wine, quickly looking around to see if they haven’t been noticed, and if they are… just smile stupidly and innocent and walk away fast and without a word anyway… (ok, I work in a supermarket… no I don’t like my job)

elderly people complaining about nowadays youth, but having no manners of their own.

people that doesn´t understand that everybody doesn´t like their ball liking stinky stupid dog…i fing hate dogs!!! and especialle their retarded owners which doesn´t train their dogs to behave and let their so fing sweet dog poop all over the streets and parks and doesn´t bother to collect those droppings away…f**** that, gonna buy shotgun and kill em all…no really, i´m not violent guy…i think that problem is on those dog owners…sorry, i hate those stupid dog owners!!!

P E A C E ! ! !

ps. don´t let your dog poop all over the places or if you do so, please collect those droppings away, thanks a heap :)

Corporate speak.
I don’t need to mention the bad synergies I get from the language methodologies used by upper management. Quite frankly, they don’t inspire me to move forward.

I often get run over by bustling mothers (or sometime even fathers) propelling their young around in those tank-like cocoons. The three-wheeled pointy nose models are especially bad- often used as battering rams to make way though crowds.

Moving advertisements.
Those scrolling billboards I see in bus shelters and train stations. Now even my peripheral vision isn’t safe

In Washington State, particularly along the Interstate-5 freeway–from the border of Oregon to the border of Canada, there are full-color moving/scrolling billboards on the sides of the freeway that are brighter than the headlights of cars. Just one more reason out of dozens of others that I’m glad I’m now living in Oregon.

Well most of them were music related now weren’t they :rolleyes:

Agree with the knobs you have to turn the mouse around. Gets on my nipples somewhat. Would also like to see more knobs and faders to have an option to right click for fine adjustment incorporated. (Semi-related, but Quantel video edit suites have something similar, where to rewind or fastforward a track you click on it then rotate the mouse clockwise or anticlockwise to go forwards or back. wtf)

People who think it is acceptable to just use preset sounds and ready made loops, with very little effects or processings let alone cutting it all up or really doing anything innovative.

I’m glad somebody said correcting of language as mine is terrible, especially at the moment for some reason, and I’m fekking english :o

#1 people who type nerd speak… (1337)
#2 shit production (very common among breakcore)
#3 fiftys something windows 98 users
#4 people who are so anal that they correct other peoples spelling & punctuation.
#5 would be developers that change the information in synthedit plugins
#6 synthedit plugins!
#7 rotary knobs and knobs in general on vst’s that require you to move them in a circular fashion or left/right (up/down!! muther f******s)
#8 kids that think punk rock isnt dead
#9 these little ribbon magnets that say “support our troops”, when it should say “i support murdering innocent people so i can drive this suv”
#10 bright headlights on vehicles.
#11 traffic lights (the engineers must have pretty damn easy lives)

People who record stuff so that it is either clipping and distoted to f****, or so quiet you need to turn the pre-amp fully up just to hear it at a reasonable level. Mainly noticed with people’s mixes, but some peoples tracks and mp3s seem to be just as bad.

ATM it’s soundengine discussions.
someone: “soundengine” “soundengine”…
me: it’s a summing of values stored in your RAM. **********%%$^&$$##$%#. "the DITHERING afterwards is all that matters for the “engine”
someone: …%%$$333##@@$@#$@%@^@2!)(

lol. :)

regarding virtual knobs: they save screenspace compared to sliders. :)

I don’t think it’s a matter of people not liking knobs doe to their aesthetics, they are obviously a better choice in a lot of circumstances, it’s just stupid having to go around a knob to turn it, especially if trying to set a specific value, or trying out some ideas if you haven’t got a midi controller.

yep. i don’t like the approach of having to turn your mouse around a virtual knob either. it’s just plain stupid. but it seems like “pro’s” like it. because it fits their “pro” way of thinking. don’t know…

edit: after reading this again i sound just like a “pro” who judge about the quality of your music about the price you pay for your equipment. just from the opposite side. sorry for that… it wasn’t intended :D

I online registrations which when the username you chose is taken, lets you retype all the stuff again just to find out you are not allowed to have 7 characters in the password you need 7,5 characters and when you finally manages to squize in 7,5 characters in the password you need to have atleast 2 digits etc…

Crowded supermarkets and people who decide that it’s a GOOD IDEA to move SLOWLY in the TIGHTEST PLACES AVAILABLE.

That’s the only one I can think of right now, I’m a happy guy. :)

Oh, and losing in a fighting game 18265482 times in a row tends to get to me. I’m supposed to be a skilled player, gah…

hmm even worse people driving suv’s telling me not to smoke although a 10 minute drive in their pathetic ‘look at me go in my car which is owned for 90% by the bank’ causes more stench and unhealthy fumes than i can smoke in about a year…oh well no hard feelings…but did you guys know it is not illegal to let the air out of a cars tires as long as you do not damage the car… :) at least in the netherlands it isn’t :) ;) so have fun… i am:)
oh the only knobs that annoy me are the ones driving suv’s :)