Debugging In Decoda


I want to debug my lua scripts with Decoda, but it talk me that

Warning 1001: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Renoise 2.6.0\Renoise.exe' appears to contain Lua functions however no Lua functions could located with the symbolic information  
Warning 1001: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Renoise 2.6.0\ReWire Engine.dll' appears to contain Lua functions however no Lua functions could located with the symbolic information  

and debug not working.

In Decoda doc I read:

Warning 1001: '...' appears to contain Lua functions however no Lua functions could located with the symbolic information  
This warning means that a module of the application being debugged contains a binary signature that indicates the   
presence of the Lua implementation. The PDB for the module, however, was either missing or did not include information   
about the Lua functions.  
To address this problem, you may need to adjust the Symbol Directory in the Project Settings.  

Consequently, as far as I understand, I need PDB files for Renoise.exe
Can you give it to me?

Thank you.

Works, but that bunch is difficult. I have been want to try decoda. But okay, I’ll use that bunch.

using CoCo not possible - Renoise must be patched - workaround to remove pcalls in remdebug
LuaEclipse and RemDebug - was heavily modified to get working =)