Some instruments sounds very different at different velocities (most even). Yet the default velocity when entering a new note is always 80/max. It’s be lovely to be able to set this somewhere, in the same way we set editstep maybe.
I’m just tired of always doing an advancededit on track/song to pull down the velocity.
Holding down keys would a) be imprecise and break existing functionality. It’d muddy the interface.
I just find it odd that we consistently “want” to always play sounds at their loudest. In keeping with actually playing instruments, you want your average to be somewhere along the middle. You don’t typically play a violin by slamming the bow on the strings every note.
I think a good place to put it is in the instrument settings. Could also add options for default pan as well.
+1 for me too. I like the idea. Ideally, default volume should be in the logarithmic middle to allow for full dynamic range of volume.
Also it may be an idea to introduce relative measurements as well as absolute. So to fade out volume, one would use -1, -1, -1, -1 etc. instead of 64, 63, 62, 61…
I think this would be easiest to implement this way:
Write a volume/velocity to volume column or go to row in column that has desired volume/velocity.
Press a key that makes that volume the default.
Also have keys to adjust default volume/velocity, in percentages or maybe better in absolute values, like 8 hex.
Maybe configurable default volume switch keys for number of presets, but best to leave not configured by default. This would be useful especially when editing solely with computer keyboard, so you can fast-switch between volume levels and then humanize them in order to get variation.
When we are getting those double-hit hotkeys? Those are very useful when setting up some relative adjustment hotkeys like volume change. Double hit, configuration. Single hit, adjustment. Fast and easy.
How about options much like the humanize feature that randomly set a selection of notes between two values that are defined by the users.
To simplify this feature you could have in the r-click menu “Low Velocity” “Mid Velocity” and of course “High Velocity”
Low Velocity = 10-30 (sets selection at random numbers between these two values)
Mid Velocity = 31-50 (sets selection at random numbers between these two values)
High Velocity = 51-80 (sets selection at random numbers between these two values)
I would imagine this being part of some MIDI FX panel, which would include other MIDI modulation devices: at least quantize but also other stuff like arpeggiators and/or the possibility to load 3rd party MIDI plugins.
So I imagine this similarly to (or actually part of) the advanced edit, preferrably with the option for this to be applied to a separate track or globally.
In this regard, wouldn’t it make sense for the velocity to be displayed also in the traditional 0-127 values?
Like, for compatibility/orientation with VSTis which use this and stuff. For example Battery has these values in the GUI for setting velocity zones.
Maybe there could be a setting in the preferences to choose which format you want to use (hex or 0-127).
Try this:
put velocities to 20 (which is very easy as soon as we get default volumes and/or fast volume adjustment keys), mark the area and hit ctrl+h couple of times, 3-5 works for me. there you have velocities randomized between 10-30. Repeat when needed for any velocity range desired.