I noticed that 2.0RC1 implements lots of neat fixes to things that have bugged me but it never occurred to me that I could write a suggestion.
Here’s one thing that’s still left:
I often have to manually delete all the samples from a drumkit when I’ve only used a couple, in order ot reduce file size.
A ‘delete unused samples’ feature would fix this.
It would work similar to deleting unused instruments, only this button would delete unused samples from multi-sample instruments as well.
Perhaps it could be activated from a right-click menu on an instrument as well, to make it operate on a single instrument as opposed to the entire song.
Well, yes. Old trackers had a SONG format that kept all the samples on the disks, as opposed to MODULES who kept samples within the file. The problem is that you have to keep all names/paths etc intact and when you load a sample and edit it, you have to save it in a proper place with a proper name etc etc.
The only time I worry about filesize is when I work off a USB stick, cause it takes forever to save even a 1 meg file.