[DEPRECATED, CANCELLED, DEAD, use Paketti] Tool(2.7):Ns:Itviews/Minisampler/Cheatsheet/120+ Shortcuts

PLAY_MODE_CONTINUE refers to following the sequencer and not limiting to the pattern’s end and start perimeters (loop the current selected pattern / sequence)
With some ReWire Masters, the slave is not allowed to change the position so that does not depend on which host is the slave.
You should be able to override that using the ReWire settings in the Preferences audio tab which configures how Renoise should adapt its positioning of the sequencer when the master is sending a new position.

Okay, a pretty cool & major update:
Thanks to immense help from dBlue and so many others, the Native FX can now be shortcutted. What does this mean?
Well, Imagine being in Mixer-view and pressing Shift-F(Flanger),Shift-R(Reverb),Shift-Q(EQ10) and your track looks like this: EQ10->Reverb->Flanger.
All Native FX have been added to Mixer and TrackDSP right-mouse-button contextmenus.

2nd “start record, stop record”. This time when you press stop-record, the screen changes to sample editor and you get cursorfocus - so you can for instance select-all and normalize (since I couldn’t figure out if one can normalize from LUA script).

Oh yes, F11,F4,F3,F2 all have Cursor focus settings to the middle layer.

“Save sample to folder + name” shortcut (brings up regular OSX/Explorer folder display, select folder and type filename. Callable from anywhere.

Oh and as an added bonus, George Yohng’s W1 Limiter can be called from this, so you could take this script and get out your own VST/AU…

I dunno if there’s anything else specifically interesting in this update, but it’s still worth v0.40

It suddenly became important to do a F7 that does a panic and then starts, but for some reason I couldn’t figure out how to find any other pattern transport starts than


Now, Continue Pattern would work if I knew how to read cursor-location in pattern

Well, cursor-location is ```lua
oprint (renoise.song().transport.playback_pos.line)

however, I dunno why I can't at 05.36am piece together how to pump that to playback position setting

Didn’t quite get f7 working yet

local function get_f7_song_play()  
 local t = renoise.song().transport  
 local startpos = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos  
 local posline = t.playback_pos.line  
 t.loop_pattern = false  
 startpos.line = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos.line  
 -- renoise.song().transport.playback_pos.line  
renoise.app():show_status("[Play from Cursor Rowff]")  

I got tricked into tthinking that it did work but that was because I had pattern playback follow on

It’s basically problematic because pageup/pagedown/home/end are used to stop cursor_lock_to_follow_pattern, and then the next time you press F7, it just keeps continuing, instead of first reading cursor current focus and then moving some sort of position to that position …

I had these problems in the past as well.
The songposition API property values cannot be written to directly. You have to make a local copy of these objects, change the properties of the local object and then copy back the local object variable to the API object.
Here’s a snippet that does work as wanted:

local function set_f7_and_play()  
 local t = renoise.song().transport  
--this step you made correctly, you are 33% on your way here...  
 local startpos = renoise.song().transport.playback_pos   
 t.loop_pattern = false  
--This is the next step (don't forget the actual sequence index or it will continue on the particular line in the current sequence where the green bar currently is):  
 startpos.line = renoise.song().selected_line_index  
 startpos.sequence = renoise.song().selected_sequence_index  
--Then copy back the local object to the playback_pos API function:  
 renoise.song().transport.playback_pos = startpos  
renoise.app():show_status("[Play from Cursor Rowff]")  
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Thank you!! That’s wonderful!!

Okay, here we go.

-suggestion: it dawned on me that the reason there’s a 2nd keybind for editmode on/off is because the regular toggle editmode on/off doesn’t function in sample editor,instrument list, mixer… So therefore it’s good to switch the 2nd keybind for editmode to be your regular editmode toggle.

-F2 no longer toggles follow mode off.

-F7 functionality (thanks vV for F5 function & F7!)… Wherever your cursor is in the pattern editor, do a panic and F7 will start playback from cursor-row.

-F8 (stop) now turns pattern playback follow off.

I just really want to get these things in, even tho it’s not a major update.
The “Load sample from folder x” equivalent of the save to folder to filename isn’t there, and there is no dialog window with a button for “read native fx”.
I haven’t yet copypasted MPE’s playcount Bar:Step etc to said unexistent dialog window, and so on. However, at least they’re on the horizon ;)

vst/au loading to shortcuts is also not yet implemented.

F11 updated. First press hides upper layer and shows mixer list and patternmatrix and trackdsp at the bottom. second F11 press shows upperlayer and opens trackscopes. third F11 hides upperlayer.
I’ll add these to F2 and hopefully F3 and F4 - depending. for F2 it’s a nobrainer.

Ok, F2 now does the very same thing, pattern editor+no pattern matrix, trackdsp, show adv.edit, press 2nd time: show trackscopes, press third time: hide trackscopes…
F3 functions pretty interestingly, I used it to switch between track scopes and diskop, but sometimes it just wants to allow for pressing_the_button_down and flicking between both and the other, and sometimes it functions as if one press is one press only. sometimes it registers two presses from one press, too :)

will upload later when there’s more to it rather than triple functioning on same keyboard shortcut.

– edit
ok still not uploaded, however, some progress, added CrashBackups-folder thing (thanks a lot dBlue!). It works on OSX,Linux and PC, what this shortcut does is: opens three file-browsers on your OS, one which shows where Renoise.log is, one which shows where Preferences.xml is, one which shows where Crashbackups are.

So now all you gotta do is launch up your mail client and drag those files to your email which is being sent to bug@renoise.com.

Added is also Mailto bug@renoise.com shortcut which should, in a perfect universe, start up your mail-client and have the address already there.

Also added are “selected_instrument midi program next - previous” shortcuts.
I’ve been fiddling with select_trackdsp device, but haven’t been able to make it work inside a script.

– edit trying to tweak F3 to work properly, must be in the detections, wrong detection…

well, gave up on the f3 and posted it, sorray. I’ll probably eventually learn how to do it

When on, recorded (right clicked) DSP sliders will go into envelopes instead of the pattern. [nokey].:
Switcher for DSP slider to envelope / DSP slider to Pattern

function switcher()  
local t=renoise.song().transport  
if t.record_parameter_mode==2 then  
renoise.tool():add_keybinding { name = "Global:Impulse:SWITCHER DSP Slider Envelope/To Pattern",  
invoke = function() switcher()  

Hi, June 11: miniview…

Ok, v0.44 is now out.
-Added control over delay_column or effect_column_amount_value. Use keybinds and see what happens. (these buttons are also available in the MiniSampler (try buttons +/++/–/-)

-Added semi-finished Cheatsheet (displays regular pattern effect commands, buttons are clickable which take you to the pattern editor on every click. Press Rec/Edit then Note/Effect so your cursor is on Effect column, then start pressing the buttons.

-Added MiniSampler - a fairly miniscule GUI (un-closable by ESC key, btw) which you can situate next to your regular Pattern Editor rows:

-Modified MiniSampler/Cheatsheet and “stats” to not open if already open.

-Added context menu entries to Instrument Box (VSTI…:Reload VSTi list + VSTI…:Load VST/Blavst)
-Added context menu entries to Track DSP (NativeFX…:Reload NativeFX + NativeFX…:Load Native effect)
-Added context menu entries to Mixer (NativeFX…:Reload NativeFX+NativeFX…:LoadNativeEffect)
-Added context menu entries to Pattern Editor (Nativity Scene…: Cheatsheet/MiniSampler)
-Added tools menu entries (Nativity Scene…:Cheatsheet/MiniSampler/Information/ReloadVSTi/ReloadNativeFX).

And probably some other stuff, oh yeah, split everything to different .lua files and added vV’s content_mask.lua with the hopes of eventually making it work in required ways.

Note: Your VSTi/NativeFX lists must always be re-created on restart of Renoise - they are not stored. This is probably a good and a bad thing.
Either way, the NativeFX key-shortcuts are cleartype and won’t be lost, but if someone suddenly adds new Renoise Native FX - the list will be out of date until I re-create it. so NativeFX Reload is dynamic, NativeFX-shortcuts are static.

Fantastic effort! Congrats.

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This is something I feared would be the case as there already was a script that’d let you open up vst(i)'s through context windows, and this also had to reinitialize at every Renoise boot. Unworkable in my case.

Well, I’m guessing that it’s possible to use the same VSTi list and write it as a .xml setting which is later re-read on reboot. However, I’m not entirely sure if I want to start learning how to force this script to run functions as the start of Renoise :)

If I find no other way of making RecON/OFF store current_EditStepamount, then I’ll start going there, but not quite yet.

Ok, v0.45 and hopefully no updates for a while.

-Added “Renoise Random BPM & Write BPM/LPBto Master Effect Column”. Write BPM is obviously Syflom’s code, with the minor modification proposed and then explained by the forum-goers+Syflom as to how to do - it opens up two effect columns in the Master track and places current BPM and LPb to first row of currently selected pattern. It didn’t seem a stretch to then make the Renoise “Random” BPM selection (under Pattern editor context menu and main menu->tools) also write the resultant BPM to the first row.

-Rec+Follow - a Global shortcut. Tied Numpad+, to it - no matter where you are, pressing numpad, (or your choice, obviously) will take your cursor_focus to Pattern Editor, will Record=ON and Follow Pattern=ON. a second press will turn Record=OFF/Follow=OFF.

notes for ReWire + NativityScene:
F5 (start song playback from the start) also works splendidly in ReWire mode, when Renoise is ReWire Slave. F6 (play pattern) F7 (play from row) however mess up the cycle defined in ReWire Master (Logic), which is unfortunate.

  • added (but no version yet, so not public)
    Forthcoming version will have one more wonderful tweak, “Joule Pattern Doubler”. You’re playing a 16 row pattern, and want the 16 rows to repeat twice (32) instead of once (16). I’ve mapped this to numpad-0, it’s really handy that way. Press numpad-0 a second time and you’ve got a 64 row pattern, 128, 256, 512 - then nothing.
    Why do this instead of “clone pattern” “merge” from the orderlist? Well, clonepattern+merge actually jitters ReWire and you have to start from the first pattern again by starting palyback from start. This “clonemerge” is pretty, and also doesn’t interrupt or mess around with ReWire playback.

Renoise Random BPM is now written directly to Master Track, both BPM & LPB are autowritten on start of Renoise.

The ReWire issue of course is that Renoise writes the BPM before it receives the BPM from the ReWire Master, hence your track will change until you fix up the BPM :)

how do i install these shortcuts? I’ve been reading through this and still don’t understand how to install the shortcuts

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hi @jaketriesmusic

this thread contains a tool that no longer exists and has been incorporated into Paketti - my suite of scripts which includes ImpulseTracker scripts etc.

please download the newest version from Releases · esaruoho/org.lackluster.Paketti.xrnx · GitHub (the first release)
download the xrnx
then doubleclick on it and Renoise should open and install it. otherwise, drag the xrnx into Renoise.

after you have installed, please take a look at the KeyBindings within Renoise → Preferences → Keys, and search for the ones you wish to map, and set your desired keyshortcuts to the features you want.