It’s not only about the simple start/stop commands, but also about synchronizing loops and changes in the playback position and tempo.
I acknowledge the hurdle, but for example energyXT has two modes that are available for syncing, in the sequncer options menu [Internal / External]. When you set it to External it works as a slave to the renoise timeline, looping seems to works fine too. Maybe there are other ideas to get around further limitations of when renoise is in focus (rns_virtual_MID
/ MIDI Mapping a controller…)***(more brainstorming at end of post)
But even if this would work, I don’t really see why this would be easier than ReWire. ReWire takes care about exactly this + audio + MIDI routing between multiple apps.
—The points where VST beats Rewire: Generally being able to load multiple instances + File management
-Multiple Xrns loadable into host, bring your disparate xrns ideas together easily!
-Track freeze; Split different parts of your xrns to different tracks and freeze as required (only useful if you have multiple renoises to use so when one is frozen you work on the others)
-Easy long sweeping automations over Rns_VST(chords), or chopping glitchy automation over Rns_VST(beats) (multiple instances again, maybe rewire channels help here though)
-Use the output of Rns_VST as a sidechain source or destination (not strictly limited to but becomes more useful with more renoise instances)
-Save all as one song-file, in host
- The other main point of my original post in this thread was about improving MIDI and audio D+D. This on it
s own would improve renoise
s ability to share its content with other apps. I
m sure it could benefit rewire users aswell (and ofc, hypothetical Rns_VST). I`d say this is the other half of the coin and pretty important.
-Access to Piano Roll/ notation etc with fast D+D to and from Rns_VST (benefits to: standalone/ rewire/ Rns_VST)
-Use hosts pitch shift; render down sections, drag back into Rns_VST for instant tracker treatment (benefits to: standalone/ rewire/ Rns_VST)
Speculative about MIDI Mirroring , but could be a big bonus: Maybe this could even be achieved with a host like reaper already which has scripting??
-Lua scripting included in Rns_VST so that current tools work and new host specific helpers can be coded in the future (maybe two way MIDI mirroring could be achieved here)
***More brainstorming: I know there are VSTs that can share audio/ info between instances loaded on separate tracks. Maybe you could have a situation where you have 10 renoises loaded into your host all on diferent tracks all communicating with each other. Transport in one causes all other renoise
s to play/ stop/ loop at the same time. You use your host mainly as a platform for multiple renoise`s if you wished.
add in other features like rns_virtual_MID
or even : rns_VST_virtual_rewire
– Here only one copy of the renoise VST has to communicate with the host (like bidule does?). This copy can then sync all other renoises transports at the same time with the above data sharing…
call it re-borg!
all savable as a single host file.