Devteam Think About Buttons/value-fields In 1.3 !

i looked at the screenshots of 1.3 again and i noticed that the order of the value-fields and arrow-button (side by side) is changed?

renoise 1.3:

[<] [>] [00]

renoise 1.2:

[00] [<] [>]

why the hell this order why this big change :blink: in my opinion and by following usabilty rules … people are right-hand oriented and some usebilty rules are a piece of research in the eighties (seventies?) - when the first UIs were built … it’s not typical and no improvement (the opposite) if arrow buttons are placed on the left side beside the value-field … <_<

(a change of the arrow buttons on the sliders to the right side would be an improvement maybe!!! )