Did ladspashell ever work in Renoise?

In my continuing quest to find new and interesting ways of mangling samples in Renoise, I ran across this: http://instrumaniak.blogspot.com/2015/01/using-ladspa-plugins-as-vst-plugins.html and a reference to ladspashell. As I have a number of compiled for Windows ladspa plugins, and I also use them in Audacity, I got interested. Following the links I found this discussion on KVR from back in 2007:

Some hosts that are supporting shell vsts directly: Cubase SX, Tracktion, Reaper, Temper, Renoise, Buzz, Aodix, Vsthost

The thread actually discussed Polac’s various vstshells, but there was also a reference to ladspashell in there as well.

i just noticed the update.and then tried the ladspashell,
now i can use all the ladspa plugs i got in audacity.man,polac,you are one kind genius.

I’ve installed the ladspashell.dll, scanned the directory and it loads without an error. However, I should be able to open a dialog and set my ladspa plugins directory. No can do. I get a popup window when I open the external editor that says “No parameters available” and I’m thwarted …

So, before I go off on a wild goose chase and look for a solution, (and seeing as the KVR post is 9 years old), I’d like to ask folks here if ladspashell was ever usable in Renoise at any point in time.

Cheers and thanks.