Different Bpm Groove For Kick And Hat


cant seem to wrap my head around this one…
Here is what i am trying to accomplish

Lets say i have a kick being triggerd at 112 BPM (F070). The resolution is set to 16th notes and the kick is triggered on every quarter note

The next track over i have a closed hat on every 8th note.

My question is how do i program in a BPM groove that will only affect the groove of the hat and not the kick track?
If i program the BPM changes in the hat track then it will affect the groove of the kick track. Am i thinking of this in the wrong way? There must be a way to program a hat groove independent of the kick, and then adding a snare and so on …

any words of wisdom on this one???

Appreciate your time and efforts!!! AZ

the groove settings affect all tracks.

use the delay column?

You can set a groove for a hihat-line, render it to wav, and then change the groove and add other drums. In this way you get different grooves in the same track. I have not used this, but you may try. :)

As Johann already mentioned, be smart and use the note delay column: http://tutorials.renoise.com/Renoise/RenoiseNoteDelay

No need to render anything to .wav for such a simple thing :)

been havin tons of fun checkin out the note delays…

thanks for the help! az