Digital filter can be set to negative frequency, cutting all audio

Not really sure how I managed this, I made an automation curve with the line tool and somehow set the Digital Filter to -0.16kHz. No crash, but it stopped all audio until I deleted the automation curve or muted the channel.

You can see all of the channel levels in mix view, but no level on the master.

Seems to be related to the line tool defaulting to the minimum value in the automation graph.

Renoise 3.1.0, Windows 7 x64

With a high res. peak and sweeeping the filter to verry low frequencies , renoise will clip internally .

I’ve had it before .

I’ve experienced that before, but I think this is a different issue with the automation setting a negative frequency, messing up the audio engine

True , I also experience a considerable cpu load when automating the chebby freq.when set to band reject .

Can’t help you on the clipping