when i select a different gui preset then return to the original, the disk browser defaults to its original location, not the location i was just on. is there any way to change this behavior? for example i’m on 1, switch to 2, then switch back to 1, the disk browser goes to default location, not the location i was the first time on 1.
But 1 is a specific location you have set, any other operation would just be strange! Set a predefined location as 1 but go to a difference place each time you press it? Definite -1 from me!
right, but the disk browser has its own preset bank. that should be independent of the gui preset. if im flipping through sample folders then go to gui preset 2 to mess with the mixer levels or inst editor or whatever i have on gui preset 2, then go back to whatever gui preset i was on browsing through samples; it would make sense for the disk browser and resulting folder tree to return to where i was, not to go to a the default disk browser location. thats what the disk browser presets are for. gui presets=screen view, disk browser presets= location view. currently the functions can overlap.
Bit it doesn’t. Strangely it moves you to Song but it keeps the position you were last at when you click back on Instrument/Sample/DSP etc. Agree maybe it shouldn’t change you to Song but it’s not that massive a inconvenience. Not compared to completely resetting your tree, as you made it sound.
(Also sorry, I thought you originally meant the Disk Op Presets, not the GUI ones.)
EDIT: In fact which part of Disk Op you’re in is part of the Preset. As default you’ll see 1 takes you to Song, 6 takes you to Instrument, as they are most logical for the view which is loaded.
Previous position is always kept though! So I see no error.
yeah, i re-edited too
i think song is a totally illogical preset from the go. i’ll only use it once per session
My advice to you would be to set up shortcuts to switch Focus to the important parts, rather than using full Presets
Shift+Alt+ A Suitable Letter
is what I had assigned in the past.
EG. Shit+Alt+M to View Mixer.
good call. thx
Some Shift+Ctrl are taken, Alt+Ctrl seems to have more keys available
Just setting these back up for myself after having to install after a hard drive crash
imma just unassign the f keys from the view presets and reasign to the show/focus functions
Pretty good idea. I never use the Presets. Used to have F1 - F8 as Mute Tracks 1-8 though and I quite like the mnemonic to remind me which is what(but sounds like you’re already used to a particular F-Key giving you a certain part to work on so should suit your flow nicely.)
yeah i had ctrl 1-8 for the mutes. then i got a nanokontrol instead. mapping is fun, unmapping is not. any ways to overwrite-map?