i.e., is there now, with 2.6, some method of having something, that can be key-bound (and is key-bound, in this case, Pattern Editor -> Play -> Play current Line ), be bindable to midi? either midi from the outside (which would be amazing), or midi from the outside and midiCC in Renoise?
Like already mentioned in the wishlist… try something with this:
local p_pos = renoise.song().transport.sequence.playback_pos
p_pos.line = 9
renoise.song().transport.sequence.playback_pos = p_pos
Then initiate a start and follow it directly by a stop.
If you want to control this from the outside, i guess you have to create an OSC evaluate command for that routine in the GlobalOscActions.lua, but didn’t thoroughly tested that part of the OSC.
can’t midi CC or midinotes be used to do this? for instance, midi-CC 0-127 could toggle a specific segment of a 128 row pattern. right?
Ofcourse it can… i was thinking a bit to complex here…