First of all I’d like to thank the Renoise team and community for building such a wonderful music production environment. Without it, we’d never been able to get the EE project going!
Now on with the news: After Idyllic Life, Nick and I have been hard at work for almost 2 years to get our second album ready. So I’m happy to introduce you to:
Easily Embarrassed - “Planet Discovery”
It has become a complete story about leaving earth and traveling space, to discover new planets and eventually a new home.
The album is to be released at Cosmicleaf on 23 October 2009 in CD and digital format and I’m happy to say you can already preview the album full length (but in low quality) from the Cosmicleaf website!
Track List :
Leaving Terra
Aurora and Storm
The Journey
Extraterrestrial Life Forms
Final Hope Part 1
Final Hope part 2
Have a nice journey listening! Hope you guys enjoy the ride