I ve this problem ( which is not a real problem, coz it s due to my laziness…) :
i use the Automation effect on a track in a pattern.
the pattern which komes next takes those setting (unless i set them)
so somethimes it happens that if i kopy n paste a pattern it does NOT sound the same ( coz the previous ptrn settings).
if i added only one or two settings i kan change them manually.
but if the track has 10 different automation…
( or maybe i silent down 10 channel , but i want them back on pattern which come after…)
it s not not sources-driven, too.
so my question is
what about having the possilities to set the values of pattern which kome after directly INTO the automation subpage?? ( maybe with a differnt BG color)
doing so we will be able to set those values, without bothering of setting the ones which come after.
If I understand what you’re asking for, why not either use patterncommands to set parameters, or use the first and/or last point in an envelope for the parameter? If you only want to set one parameter value with the envelope, use the “points” setting instead of “line” or “curve”.
Yes, Martinal you understood right (evenif my english was not in top form
If you only want to set one parameter value with the envelope, use
the “points” setting instead of “line” or “curve”.
It s what i m usually doing but still, the last half second or so sounds with coming pattern’s settings.
( let s say i m cutting a sound off to make it going almost silent… before it start “open” the next pattern, if last point is set up, i can hear the tick before the actual start of upkoming pattern, ruining the climax
my question is now: why dont you transfor the last point ( and only that) of the automation into the setting of the upkoming pattern? make it also silent, so it will not ruin the flow… and maybe color it different to differenciate …
i think it s quite easy to implemet , and will save resources of Cpu ( much less fx needed) and headaches to trackers.
ps i re-read three times, hpefully my english is better
But why set the last value in the pattern if that’s not what you want?
i usually dont do that.
but sometimes it s faster to do that if you want to hear how it will be the coming pattern without actually changing ALL setting.
and then maybe i add a pattern in between… and i ve to do that all over…
i think renoise gives us a larger filed to experiment soundz.
but at the moment it is still a bit annoying.
Why not just set the first value in the next pattern???
laziness. plain and simple. and computer resouces.
i ve trax with 18 channels: each one has at least 2 - 3 automation.
if in a pattern i set my personal “panic mode” …
i dont want to spend twice the time and set back all the settings in upkoming pattern.
maybe i need automation only in a pattern for the whole song.
it s not wise to have to set ALL pattern to keep it sound as it should.
that is why I asked for a “next pattern” setting.
also a “reset settings on ending the pattern” could be as good…
( i kan post a link with a rns as an example…)
i wonder if i m the only one that has this problem!